
Ernst Schrade

I have been entrusted with the honorary management of the Foundation by its Board of Directors. I feel motivated to do this job because the theme-centered concept leads me through so many everyday and professional situations. This applies to the organization of lively, living worlds of learning, being patient when working with conflicting parties, developing one’s own personality in terms of self-confidence and responsibility for oneself, as well as working on committees and bodies of all kinds. The political dimension of TCI is omnipresent and discernable by virtue of its humanistic value attitude. It is my goal to make these living learning experiences accessible to young adults at a reasonable cost.

The Ruth Cohn Foundation is relatively small and depends on support from many sources. We hope to attract ideas, donations, endowments and activities allowing us to increase our basic capital. Our Foundation has been recognized as a non-profit organiation. 

Please feel free to contact me personally at:
tel.: +49 (0)711 374226

postal address: Pfarrstraße 28, 73733 Esslingen, Germany