Writings by Dr. Ruth C. Cohn

compiled by Mary Anne Kuebel, Matthias und Michaela Scharer


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Extract from the bibliography

An Approach to Psychosomatic Analysis, Psychoanalysis, Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Winter 1955 pp 5 - 14.  Reprint as well as photocopy of typewritten manuscript.

Beginnings - Farewells - Beginnings ( From Prejudice to Awareness. A Living-Learning Process in Sketches), Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Summer, 1970, pp. 6 - 12.  Photocopies of article and typrewritten manuscript.

The Beyond Within, Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Fall, 1972, pp. 78 - 82.  Photocopy of article.

Be Your Own Chairman: Participating in Small Groups, co-authored by Daniel I. Malamud, photocopy of unpublished typewritten manuscript (1972?), 30 pp.  Also: photocopy of typewritten transcripts of a discussion between Ruth and D. Malamud, subject - Games.

From Couch to Circle to Community: Beginnings of the Theme-Centered Interactional Method.  In: Group Therpay Today, ed. H. Ruitenbeeck, New York, 1969.  Photocopy of typrewritten manuscript, 13 pp.

Courage - The Goal of Psychotherapy, 1957.  Photocopy of an unpublished typewritten manuscript, 16 pp.

Cure by Food: A Patient’s Experiential Report on a Macrobiotic Cure, Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Summer, 1973, pp. 56 - 59.  Photocopy of article.

Cut the Toes So the Shoe Will Fit, AAP Newsletter (American Academy of Psychotherapists), Vol. 1972, no. 6, Dec.  Photocopy of article.

Emotional Freedom and Scientific Discipline: The Therapist’s Frame of Reference.  Photocopy of an unpublished typewritten manuscript, 1960, 7 pp.  Also: rejection letter from William Quaytman, Ed. ?

The Existential Leader.  In: Z. Liff (Ed.),The Leader in the Group, New York (Jason Aaronson), pp. 203-211.  Photocopy of article. Also: photocopy of typewritten manuscript for this article with the title: Group Leading Based on Existential Postulates (The Theme-Centered Interactional Method).

Experientialism: Autism or Autonomy?  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter 1975, pp. 37 - 47.  Photocopy of article.

A First Interview With a Consultant Psychologist.  Photocopy of unpublished typewritten manuscript (7 pp.) - date?  Written for radio or television program.

Group Leading Based on Existential Postulates (The Theme-Centered Interactional Method) - cf. The Existential Leader

Group Therapeutic Techniques as Educational Means in the Training Psychoanalysts.  In: W. Hülse (Ed.), Topical Problems in Psychotherapy, Basel (S. Karger), 1964, pp. 48 - 58.  Photocopy of article.

A Group-Therapeutic Workshop on Countertransference, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1961, pp. 284 - 296.  Photocopy of article.

Humanistic Pedagogy: For a Renaissance of Values.  Photocopy of an unpublished (?) typewritten manuscript - two pages.

On Humanistic Principles in Psychotherapy and Groupleading, The Journal of Clinical Issues in Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 3, Oct. 1970, pp. 24 - 25.  Photocopy of article.

I Must Do What I Want To (For Ten Minutes): A Therapeutic Game For Therapists, Patients And Other People,  Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Summer 1968, pp. 29 - 33.  Photocopy of article.

Inter-Writing Chapter on Classroom Teaching (Draft).  Photocopy of an unpublished typewritten manuscript, 3 pages - date ?

On Leading A Group of Hearing and Deaf Professional Wrokers with Deaf People.  In: J. Schein, D. Naiman (eds.), NYU School of Education, Deafness Research and Training Center, 1972, 7pp.  Photocopy of typewritten manuscript.

Living-Learning Encounters: The Theme-Centered Interactional.  In: Confrontations: Encounters in Self- and Personal Awareness, Gottsegen, G. & M., Blank, L. (eds.), New York, MacMillan, 1971, pp. 245 - 271.  Photocopy of article.

Mountain Maid, Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Summer, 1975, p. 24.  Photocopy of article.

NTL Institute - A letter dated August 10, 1964, to “Tom” giving feedback from a sensitivity training seminar, 29 pages.  Photocopy of unpublished typewritten manuscript.

No More Cows . . .  English text for an article which was translated and appeared in German in the Berner Zeitung, Dec. 5, 1987, 6pp.  Photocopy of typewritten manuscript (probably has not appeared in English).

Particle/Waves - What Do They Mean for Psychology and Religion?Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Summer, 1983, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 69 - 74.  Photocopy of article.

Psychology Goes Beautiful, 1969.  Photocopy of typewritten manuscript,10 pp.  Appeared translated and in edited form as “1969: Hippies am Central Park Brunnen,” in Festschrift für Ruth C. Cohn, Zeitschrift für Humanistische Psychologie, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1980. pp. 40 - 43.

Principles of the Interactional Theme-Centered Workshop Method. Nov. 1966, 6 pp.  Photocopy of unpublished (?) typewritten manuscript.

The Psychotherapist’s Training in Emotional Skills (Chapter I.  A Workshop on the weekend of November 22, 1963), 9 pp.  Carbon copy of typewritten manuscript.  Original unpublished English version of  “Ein Workshop-Gruppe erlebt die Ermordung John F. Kennedys.”

Revolutionary Evolution in Classrooms: Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI).  Photocopy of original English manuscript (25 pp.).  Apparently basis for the articles in German “Zur Humanisierung der Schulen” (Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ärzteblatt, Heft 10/1973 and Schweizer Schule, July 1974, 14/15).

The Sexual Fantasies of the Psychotherapist and Their Use in Psychotherapy, The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 219-226, Nov. 1966.  Photocopy of article.

Solitude, Beauty, Serenity (A “Long-Living” Person), Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 19-20,1972.  Photocopy of article.

So I Tell You What I Need to Take on My Journey as a Psychotherapist, Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, pp.3-5, 1989 (?) Photocopy of article.

Style and Spirit of the Theme-Centered Interactional Method.  Photocopy of original English manuscript ( 30 pp.).  Appeared in German in: Sager/Kaplan and Heigl-Evers, Ehe- und Familientherapie, Munich (Kindler), 1974.

Therapy in Groups: Psychoanalytic, Experiential, and Gestalt.  In: Fagan, J. & Shephard, I.L. (eds.), Gestalt Therapy Now, Palo Alto, 1970, Chapter 10, pp. 130 - 139.  Photocopy of article.

Training Intuition.  In: Otto, H. & Mann, J. (eds.), Ways of Growth, New York, 1968, pp. 167 - 177.  Photocopy of article.

The Theme-Centered Interactional Method: Group Therapists as Group Educators, The Journal of Group Psychoanalysis and Process, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter 1969-70.  Photocopy of article.

Widening Circles,Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Spring 1971, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 23 - 25.  Photocopy of article.