How You Can Support Us

  1. Contacts

We seek contacts to all individuals, institutions and possibly other foundations prepared to provide financial support to specifically TCI-based education and training work, who are not necessarily knowledgeable about TCI but are excited about TCI’s basic idea: humanity and taking on personal responsibility.

  1. Ideas

We welcome ideas on how we can increase our Foundation’s capital by virtue of events, public relations and generation of networks.

  1. Donations

We continue to reply on donations in order to cover the cost of our day-to-day business. Basic Training for Young Adults is an extraordinarily successful project. By contributing even just 2 euros per month, you can already make a considerable difference. You will find information about making a pledge here: Förderzusage (German).

  1. Gifts

The principle of a foundation is to provide the support it offers based on capital gains alone. Our capital remains untouched and is thus maintained in favor of the achievement of our goals in the long term.

Account details for donations and gifts:

Ruth Cohn Foundation for the Support of Young Adults

Bank: Volksbank Esslingen
account no.: 23 81 69 006
bank code: 
611 901 10

IBAN: DE 44 6119 0110 0238 1690 06


GLS Bank Stuttgart
account no: 7026527400
bank code: 43060967

IBAN: DE95 4306 0967 7026 5274 00

Donations and gifts are tax deductible, since our organization has been recognized as non-profit by the tax authorities in Esslingen.